Sunday, 10 May 2009

the future is now

so sure i'm taking a postmodern literature class here at oxford, but shit is overlapping like whoa. INSTANT NOSTALGIA is something i've been thinking a lot about lately. i hang out here on the internet a lot, and feel like i can see the 'new cool' becoming the 'old lame' before my eyes in seconds. e.g. funny swine flu facebook statuses becoming totallywack before its even a 'pandemic'. the internet is whole different arena of postmodern mind-booglation because of everyone's sense of CONSTANT IRONY. Anna asked me where Amanda was when they are both at SLC and I said 'she's on ghat' because, i was talking to Anna on ichat, when before we'd been talking on facebook chat, but ghat was where amanda could be found in bronxville to ask her a question. And to be quite frank i literally LOLd. i skyped with my mom and grandma for mother's day today, and then afterwards me and my brother shared our screen grabs of the absurd event we both participated in. immediate recognition of something you do everyday as totally ridiculous and existing in the 'non-reality' is something very much of only our generation. generation aim. 
this is something moving past this:

into something else. In my class we really talk about things like this: 


but thats a whole different story. what im trying to say is naked rhianna pics leak and then her publicists statement less than an hour later? "have you seen that one youtube clip" embarrassment. pretending internet life is separate from real life. 
my point is the retro/future is now. 

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